Brylee - 8 Months, Canton, GA

Brylee is the absolutely adorable daughter of my sweet cousin Amanda.  She is the cutest little thing with those cheeks, bright blue eyes and dimples.  Oh, her dimples, how sweet!  She is such a happy baby, so we had no problem getting her to smile.  I did, however, bring backup just in case.  Reed was such a good little helper!  Or maybe I should call him Spiderman?  I hope you guys enjoy these few sneaks of precious Brylee!!

Carter - 6 Weeks, Suwanee, GA

I have been very fortunate to be able to photograph lots of close friends and family since I started this photography business.  It is so exciting, however, to meet complete strangers and spend just a short amount of time getting to know them.  I met Nicole, Nick and Carter a few weeks ago when they were in town visiting family.  Carter was 6 weeks old at the time of the session and it definitely hit close to home that we are just a few short weeks away from having a newborn of our own.  Being first time parents, Nicole and Nick were true rockstars and handled the accidents like pros.  I remember Reed peeing everywhere at his newborn photo session, so I wasn't surprised at all when Carter did his business as well.  : )  

It was such a honor to be able to capture a few shots of this very special time in their lives.  Thanks so much to Nicole and Nick for inviting me to take pictures of their sweet baby boy Carter!  I hope you guys enjoy these sneaks!!

Sadie & Maryn - Canton, GA

It was so much fun getting together to take some pictures of this beautiful family.  Sadie was a total pro in front of the camera.  She has the most precious serious face.  And Maryn, despite her best efforts to avoid a pic, was just as good in front of the camera.  Jamie and Ken, I hope you guys enjoy the sneaks below of the girls!