Grace - 1 Month

My good friend Maureen took me up on my offer to take pics of her new baby girl Grace!  I was honored and a little bit nervous to take pictures of her little one.  I definitely have some things to learn, but I enjoyed spending time with Maureen and Grace!  What a sweet baby girl she is!

By far the favorite from our little photo session.  The lighting, her eyes, everything is perfect.  

Another one of my favorites but probably not one you would want to include on a birth announcement, lol!

I learned several things about photography after this one session.  

1.  Always, always think about the eyes.  I got lucky and had her in the right position to make her eyes sort of glisten for a few of the shots, but I didn't even think about it until after I got home and looked at what I had taken.  There would have so many more good pictures if I had considered this. 

2.  Have a plan of action, with multiple alternatives.  Photographing babies is certainly not as easy as it might seem.  Even though a certain pose might seem like the way to go in your head it may not translate into something good on the camera.  Therefore, a variety of backup plans is necessary.

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