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Session Favorites

Before I dive in and let you in on the cuteness that I was blessed to be able to take photos of this past fall, I must share something.  After a Christmas season that I didn't feel like I had time to enjoy, I have decided to take a break from photography.  I need some time to be the best mom and wife that I want to be.  I hope that I will be able to work it back into our schedule in the future, but I think that it is best if I take a step back.  

I have been so blessed to photograph so many wonderful families.  I truly appreciate that they trusted me with capturing a special time in their lives.  I know that this will be good for me and my family and I will certainly miss spending time with yours.  If I decide to pick my camera back up in the future, I will be sure to let everyone know.  Thanks so much!  If you need a photographer recommendation, please feel free to email me.  I have a few that I really like!

Now, onto the many sessions that I did this fall.  I just wanted to be sure I shared a few favorites (although not all favorites, you would be scrolling forever) before I sign off.

Check back tomorrow for more favorites!!

Jack and Reese - Roswell, GA

I had such a fun morning spent photographing this sweet family.  Jack kept me on my toes, just like a typical toddler, and Reese was so generous with her sweet smiles.  Cason and Patrick, you two have a beautiful family!  Thanks so much for trusting me to capture some pics of you and your precious kiddos!

Brylee - 8 Months, Canton, GA

Brylee is the absolutely adorable daughter of my sweet cousin Amanda.  She is the cutest little thing with those cheeks, bright blue eyes and dimples.  Oh, her dimples, how sweet!  She is such a happy baby, so we had no problem getting her to smile.  I did, however, bring backup just in case.  Reed was such a good little helper!  Or maybe I should call him Spiderman?  I hope you guys enjoy these few sneaks of precious Brylee!!